More Way's to HELP!

We are always looking for a kind and giving heart. Any donation you can make for these children is helpful and potentially life changing! We thank you for your help and look forward to sharing with you the grace that you bring to these families.






• Support a Scholarship Student, either individually or with others (approximately $1320.00 USD per year)

• Collect office supplies, toys, children’s clothing & shoes, children’s books (Spanish language) and other
classroom supplies for donation to FOCES San Salvador. The items will be transported by delegates and others
traveling to El Salvador, per availability.

We Sponsor and Deliver Water Filters, too!

Water filters will be installed at Casa Romero, the high school and in the homes of thirty scholarship students. Moreover, every student will be examined for symptoms of kidney failure.


• Host a fundraising movie night to raise awareness and encourage contributions. Suggested movies: Romero, The World’s Most Dangerous Gang, and Voces Inocentes.

• Attend or participate in the Commemoration of Archbishop Oscar Romero

• Attend or participate in commemoration of the Jesuit martyrs (November)

Call Us

(505) 243-1509